
At oxford kids, we aim to make sure your child is left feeling loved,
included and excited about the word of god, and the work that jesus is doing in their lives!

We want your kids to make sure they know how special they are,
and everything that they bring to the world in their own, unique way that only they can!

Each child has a special gift, and something that makes them who they are,
and we want to encourage them and set them up for a life fulfilled!

mission & vision

The Oxford Hill Children’s Ministry centers its mission & vision from 1 Timothy 4:12:
Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and purity.”

In Speech and Good Character

Jesus says in Luke 6:45 that “out of the abundance of a man’s heart, the mouth speaks”. We believe in helping children develop Christ-like character and teaching them to keep the treasures of God’s wisdom in their hearts so that the overflow of their mouths (speech) and hands (actions) are life giving to those around them.

In Conduct and Good Stewardship

The principle of godly stewardship calls believers to conduct themselves in a manner that honours Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. As a church, we believe in teaching our children to be good stewards of the many gifts God gives them including their time, talents and skills..

In Love and Belonging

In John 3:16, Jesus talks about the love of God that caused him to send his son to die on the cross so that everyone who believes in him might be saved. We believe in teaching our children to love those within the church as their brothers and sisters, and to love those who are outside of the church as people who God is still calling into salvation.

In Faith and Growth

James 2:14-26 challenges us to not only know of God but to also grow in our faith by demonstrating our love for God through our actions. We believe in teaching our kids to continue growing their faith by demonstrating practical and tangible acts of love and service to those around them.

In Purity and Wholeheartedness

Psalm 24:3-4 talks about keeping our hearts pure before God by not allowing the things of this world to take our eyes off of him. We believe in guiding our children to love and pursue God wholeheartedly and to develop an eternal perspective so they can focus their eyes on the things in life that truly matter.


questions? please contact director lisa at: kids@oxfordhill.ca